The equipment is certified as Medical Device Risk Class I.
Our best seller, large volume, column type freezer, for general laboratory use, solid door type and negative temperature range 'till -25°C, with featuring data recording, developped for laboratories, hospitals and private clinics.
Laboratory freezers series SUPERARTIC feature a clean and functional design, heavy duty and easy to use type, with solid door and the possibility of a customizable internal configuration with shelves, drawers or baskets to enhance product storage
They have been specifically designed for the use in laboratories and industry (not only pharma): SUPERARTIC freezers comply with international standards in force and answer the professional needs of research centers requiring stabilized temperatures down to -40°C and high performances.
The solid door and the oversize insulation thickness guarantee the most efficient performance, while the intelligent defrosting and automatic evaporation of condensation water avoid machine downtime and ice formation. Fiocchetti’s aesthetic design is also apparent in the door, thanks to its ergonomics, with recessed handle and reversible opening direction.
Power consumption reduction with function Night & Day
Insulation type: Insulation in PUF injected at very high density (43 kg/m3), without any CFC and with water-foam based injection.
Insulation thickness: 75 mm
Structure: Monocoque type, made of plasticized, atoxic white steel interior/exterior, coated with a special antibacterial-type film, or in inner 18/10 Aisi 304 stainless steel. Inner bottom rounded corners.