The equipment is certified as Medical Device Risk Class I.
Small undercounter refrigerator for drugs and vaccines, glass door type and positive temperature range and featuring data recording, developped for pharmacies, laboratories, hospitals and private clinics.
Undercounter refrigerator with touchscreen display, glass door type and temperatures data recording
The refrigerators series MEDIKA® feature a clean and functional design, with glass door, and adjustable compartments to enhance product storage.
They have been design specifically for the use in pharmacies, hospital wards, physicians', aesthetic medicine, dental and ophtalmologist's practice, laboratories and pharma industries: MEDIKA® refrigerators comply with international standards in force and answer to the most various requirements, thanks to the vast choice of volume capacities and to the chance of customizing the internal fittings.
The door is made of tempered glass according to safety norm CEI EN 60335-2-89, in antifog crystal, heat-insulating, triple layer for an improved thermal perfomance, with profiles in anodyzed aluminium. The all lenght ergonomic handle guarantees a safe and correct grip. The gasket is magnetic type sealing on all four sides, the automatic lock features a return spring, door stop at 90°, the opening side is reversible
Insulation type: Insulation in PUF injected at very high density (43 kg/m3), without any CFC and with water-foam based injection.
Insulation thickness: 40 mm.
Structure: Monocoque type, made of plasticized, atoxic white steel interior/exterior, coated with a special antibacterial-type film, or in inner 18/10 Aisi 304 stainless steel.