The most powerful, comprehensive, and easy-to-use simulation environment designed specifically for the unique challenges faced by today’s healthcare facilities.
Healthcare Simulation Software
The FlexSim HC healthcare simulation environment allows you to analyze every facet of your patient flow and evaluate how potential changes will impact your healthcare system—all in a patient-centered virtual environment. The solutions you find will be accurate and will help your healthcare organization be as efficient as possible.
It’s risky, expensive, and time-consuming to change the real-world healthcare processes—simulate them first with FlexSim HC to get it right!
3D Visuals
Simulation can be just as visually compelling as it is analytically compelling. FlexSim HC’s fully 3D visuals, using the latest OpenGL graphics, allow you to see exactly what’s going on in the model as its running. It’s much easier to compare results when you can visually confirm what’s happening to your simulated healthcare system.
The 3D visuals also create opportunities for communication and teamwork among all the stakeholders. A simulation with accurate 3D models of the personnel, equipment, and furniture found in your healthcare facility is far more compelling than a simple chart. And when you combine the power of FlexSim HC with your favorite spreadsheet or database programs, anything is possible!