The block heater is a heating dry bath incubator that sets the temperature between ambient +2°C ~ 100°C. The temperature controller device comes with different blocks to fit three reservoir sizes: one half-block with three 50 mL reservoir inserts, one half-block with six 15 mL reservoir inserts, and one quarter-block with six 1.5 mL reservoir inserts. A heat insulator block and a plastic lid are also included.
The dry digital block heater for lab tube temperature control is a small device (18.5 cm square) that is easy to place on a laboratory bench. The surface loss is minimized.
The reservoir heater is sent with 3 blocks to make it compatible with reservoirs of 1.5, 15 and 50 mL, which allows for maximum tube size versatility.
Precise and fast heating
The temperature control is precise and reaches the desired values in an average of 16 minutes.
Easy to use
Connect your reservoirs to your pressure-based flow controller and place them on the temperature controller, in the compatible insert.
Why is it important to control the temperature in a microfluidic system?
Temperature control is a critical aspect of microfluidic systems because it can significantly affect the behavior and performance of the system. Here are a few reasons why temperature control using a reservoir block heater is important for microfluidic systems:
1. Cellular viability
Human cells grow in-vivo in specific conditions, and any slight modification of the environment may affect the cellular viability and their ability to grow and fulfill their functions.