The US-patented MOSAIC feature addresses the key challenges of accurately aligning marks on large parts regardless of the part position and orientation. MOSAIC uses the internal camera of the laser to create an image of the marking field by simulating a straight down camera view. The straight down view eliminates the side view distortion typically created when using an external camera, and enables the system to accurately mark parts regardless of their placement.
Fixtureless operation
Easier and faster marking process
Limited operator training
High ROI
Significant cost saving
Suitability for both manual and automated operations
The US patented feature addresses key challenges in precisely aligning marking contents to large components – regardless of their position in the marking laser system.
M3000-P with 30W fiber laser marking system and MOSAIC
Vision assisted laser marking of bearings and detection of missing and inverted rollers: M2000-P with 20W fiber laser marker and MOSAIC as well as AOP (Advanced Operator Interface)