+ Complete support for head and torso
+ Solid and comfortable
+ Adjusted to individual needs
+ Easily folded away
+ Hygienic
Sitting & moving
Improve your entire sitting posture
To achieve a good sitting position in the wheelchair, a Papillon headrest can be used, but sometimes it doesn’t provide sufficient support. In such cases, the Papillon Chest restraint can be used. The combination of a modular headrest and a chest restraint is an aid that is attached to your wheelchair. This promotes a good sitting posture.
Multiple functionality for young and old
We use the chest restraint for (young) children whose spasms or uncontrolled movements make it impossible for them to maintain a good sitting position in the wheelchair. A chest restraint also offers a solution for people with limited torso stability. Reduced muscle strength in the upper part of the body can cause you to slump down in the wheelchair or shift to the side of the backrest. The chest restraint prevents this movement and helps you to remain seated in your wheelchair.
Stability and support with freedom
The chest restraint stabilises not only the torso but also the head when the head rest is included as part of the whole. It is the combination of support for the head and guidance for the torso that ensures a comfortable and appropriate sitting position. A chest restraint can help provide more calmness when sitting in your wheelchair. Spastic or powerful stretching movements can be controlled without losing much freedom. In addition, a chest restraint can help support the upper body, which makes maintaining a good sitting position less energy-consuming.