1.Plasma beauty shower
Acne treatment, Skin regeneration, Pigmentation treatment, Absorption and delivery of serums or solutions into he skin, Wrinkle treatment – non-ablative lifting and regeneration
2. Plasma Surgical pen
Hooded Eye Lids and Eye Bags (Non-surgical Blepharoplasty), Lines and WrinklesSmokers lines, Crows feet,Marionette lines, Smile lines, Frown lines,Xanthmelasma (fatty eye deposits), Crepey neck, Scars, Acne scars and Stretch marks, Sun spots, Skin Tags, Milia,Moles, Warts and Verrucas
3.Hot and Cold handle: Hot mode opens pores for skin care products introduction and cold mode tightens skin.
4.For beauty shower,we also can offer the one made of Ceramics Plasma, notconsumables,don't need to replace.