The global standard for grain analysis. Infratec™ NOVA gives you security, confidence and reliability in your grain analysis. It is a global system for a global market built on 30 years of experience.
The global standard in grain analysis with unrivalled accuracy. Pour in grain and get multiple results in less than a minute. Stay in control of remote instruments through purpose built connectivity tools.
Barley, wheat, corn and other cereals, oilseeds, beans and pulses.
Moisture, protein, oil, test weight, starch, wet gluten, fibre, ash and many more.
Loverix grain handlers explain why the Infratec™ NOVA is a cornerstone of their grain handling operations during the busy harvest season. With a turnaround time of 5 minutes per grain delivery, from receival and weighing to sampling and analysis, fast, reliable grain analysis as well as ease-of-use is key.
Since the Infratec™ was introduced in 1987 it quickly became the benchmark for grain analysis trusted to facilitate billions of dollars worth of fair grain trade every year.