The ProMill series is designed to grind large volumes of product, from 2 kg and up, flexibly and efficiently. They are optimized fluid jet mills with low process gas consumption, maximum performance and fast product changeover operations.
All component connections are made to be cGMP compliant and to ensure simple assembly and disassembly operations. The number of components is minimized to also speed up handling, cleaning and validation activities. ProMill series jet mills can be integrated into FPS isolators to enable the processing and handling of sterile or potentially toxic and radioactive products.
The ProMills are available with volumetric or gravimetric feeder, cloth bag separation filter, manual control panel and data recorder compliant to CFR21 Part11.
ProMill series jet mills can be easily integrated into FPS isolators to enable the processing of very active or sterile products. It is also available in an ATEX configuration. Special configurations, such as with PTFE or ceramic inserts and/or coatings, Hastelloy, etc., can be requested.
At FPS MEC Test centre it is possible to perform technical trials with your products and FPS jet mills.
ProMill-8 is a production scale unit and it is the next step up the scale from research and laboratory units, suitable for micronizing from 500g up to 80Kg/h.