A very light videonystagmoscope (305g mask + camera), practical, comfortable, resistant and reliable, equipped with a highly sensitive infrared “video” camera that delivers a clear image of excellent quality. The camera can be switched from one eye to the other with a simple gesture.
Its direct radio connection (5.8GHz radio) to the video input of any monitor, TV set or computer with a composite RCA or HDMI socket, via a radio receiver, makes it an extremely practical, functional device, facilitating examinations at the bedside of hospitalized patients.
Moreover, thanks to the optional FramVideo software, the examination carried out can be recorded and the nystagmus observed can be archived.
- a pair of standard FRAMISCOPE glasses with video/camera module and integrated 5.8GHz radio transmitter.
- a radio receiver, to be connected to the HDMI or composite input of any display source (TV, PC or laptop, via optional adapter).
The camera module runs on a rechargeable battery (4 to 5 hours autonomy, and fast recharging).
Option of integrated LCD screen (built into the camera housing)
The built-in screen enables the practitioner to use the Framiscope in any situation, including in a room without a monitor.
This 2.5″ LCD screen provides a very high quality image in real time, and works in parallel with the radio transmitter! See the full Framiscope manual for more information.