Fresenius Kabi focuses its plasmapheresis portfolio on the experience of donors, the people at the heart of a plasma center’s business. Everything we do — from the friendly design of our devices to the smooth integration of our systems, and the skill and dedication of our people — help you put a smile on the face of every donor who walks through your door, ensuring they'll want to come back to your center again and again.
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Fresenius Kabi Plasmapheresis:
Experience is every thing.
Aurora’s intuitive interface, visual prompts, and vein control features keep everyone — even your newest phlebotomists and donors — feeling comfortable with the procedure and moving efficiently through the process. With a contemporary design that is well-suited to the expectations of today's digital device users, as well as an Optimized Nomogram feature that allows for more plasma per donation compared to the standard nomogram, Aurora will deliver real value to your business over the long run.