What are Cortical Measurements?
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP) measurements are used to detect whether particular sounds produce an electrical response in a patient’s brain. HEARLab provides the hearing health professional with an easy-to-use method of performing this measurement.
A transducer such as an insert earphone, bone vibrator, or sound field speaker is used to deliver the test signal to the patient who is passively alert. Electrodes placed on the patient’s head measure the cortical response. A statistical analysis of each response (a “p-value”) is automatically calculated to determine the probability that a CAEP signal was present. The clinician can verify this analysis with a visual examination of the measured cortical response.
CAEP can be tested on patients who are unable or unwilling to communicate to the clinician about whether they can hear a signal. This could include infants and small children who have not yet developed language skills, and adults who are disabled or uncooperative. Cortical measurements are performed when the patient is alert and awake. The patient can be entertained during the test with reading material or a silent DVD. Small children can be tested while being held in their parent’s arms and playing with a quiet toy.