OASIS Velocity is about providing the better combination of patient-centric care and clinical performance. Built to handle the challenging patients, with an unobstructed viewing angle, Velocity enables you capture the broad patient demographic.
A unique achievement in high-field imaging, Velocity’s truly open architecture features an advanced magnet design, Workflow Integrated and Vertical Field RF Technology, along with advanced imaging capabilities to handle all patients with confidence, without compromising on performance or efficiency.
SynergyDrive Workflow
Fujifilm’s SynergyDrive provides efficiency to ensure the faster patient throughput, better patient comfort and high quality imaging.
Patient Comfort
OASIS Velocity supports up to 300kg*1 patients on an 83 cm wide table. A true open design, patients have an unobstructed view for the comfort.
Image Quantification
T2 RelaxMap provides for quantification of actual T2 values displayed in a color overlay that depicts subtle tissue properties and anomalies. It is used for orthopedic studies and the depiction of articular cartilage.
Non Contrast Imaging
VASC-ASL enables excellent depictions of vasculature without a contrast agent. An MRA alternative for patients with compromised renal function in renal artery and portal vein imaging.