G1™ and G1A™ bone cements are a standard viscosity cement, primarily intended for manual application.
The G1™ sterile radiopaque bone cements have a consistency and working time particularly suitable for cementation of knee prostheses. In the initial phases, the G1™ has properties that also make it suitable for cementation of hip prostheses.
The version with antibiotic (G1A™) is indicated in revision operations and in cases where there is a risk of infections caused by organisms sensitive to gentamicin. The G1A™ bone cement contains and releases the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin to protect the cured cement and contiguous tissue against contamination by microbes sensitive to gentamicin.
reduced mixing time (under a minute to obtain a homogeneous product),
working time suited to the type of application (4-5 minutes),
polymerisation is completed after 10 minutes to reduce the risk of micro movements of
the prosthesis once applied,
mechanical properties in conformity to regulatory requirements,
low polymerisation temperature to reduce the risk of thermal shock on the tissues.