The Advanced ZACK™ Multipurpose Men's Healthcare Task Trainer is a full-sized, lifelike lower torso designed to help students and professionals learn and practice various men's health clinical procedures. The S230.200 has features that facilitate the hands-on acquisition of intimate clinical examination skills, including catheterization, testicular and prostate examination, vasectomy, and colonoscopy.
Urinary catheterization
Practice safe, aseptic insertion and removal of a catheter.
Prostate examination
Learn vital rectal examination and palpation skills needed to distinguish between the "feel" of a normal prostate, benign conditions, and various grades of prostatic malignancies.
Diagnose various prostate pathologies
The internal push-button mechanism allows you to rotate through and position four different prostate inserts (enlarged benign mass, two discreet nodules, a large mass, and malignant invasive cancer) during digital rectal examination training.
No-scalpel vasectomy
Replaceable scrotal skin and vas deferens tubing allow for the repeated practice of vasectomy procedures using real surgical equipment.
Testicular examination
Realistic testes allow participants to develop palpation skills needed for intimate examination procedures.
Use a real endoscope to identify benign and malignant masses in the rectum and colon; practice biopsy and polyp removal with non-electrocautery devices.