HAL® S315.100.250 is an easy-to-use and portable airway management and CPR skills trainer designed for teaching resuscitation and emergency airway management skills to students and professionals in EMS, Medicine, and Nursing. HAL® features a high-fidelity airway that simulates laryngospasms, true-to-life chest recoil, and real-time CPR quality feedback to help you teach effective basic and advanced airway management as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
HAL® is available in a full-body configuration.
HAL helps participants learn to recognize laryngospasm, perform emergency tracheostomy or cricothyrotomy, and enhances CPR training with real-time CPR quality feedback.
Realistic Airway
True-to-life airway with tongue, vocal cords, trachea, and simulates laryngospasms
Realistic Chest Rise
Visualize realistic chest rise with BVM ventilation
Surgical Airway Insert
Surgical airway supports cricothyrotomy and tracheostomy.
The new OMNI® 2 features basic life support-specific simulation tools designed to help boost skill acquisition, enhance the simulated experience, and support assessment and debriefing.
It’s the one handy tool that can do it all.
Real-time eCPR™ feedback
The OMNI® 2 features CPR coaching and evaluating modes. In the CPR coach mode, audible tones guide compression rate and ratio for learners. In the evaluating mode, real-time monitoring of CPR metrics provides feedback on time to CPR, compression depth and rate, ventilation rate and volume, "no-flow" time, and number of cycles.