The Advanced OB Susie® S500.200 is a versatile childbirth simulator designed to allow participants to appreciate the complete birthing experience from the onset of labor, through delivery, and postpartum care. The OB Susie simulator's lifelike features ensure participants can go hands-on and practice the skills needed to provide safe and effective patient care during routine and difficult deliveries, even high-risk low-frequency events like vertex or breech deliveries. Participants can use real equipment to practice vacuum or forceps assisted deliveries and control postpartum hemorrhage.
Product Features
Lightweight birthing torso available in light, medium, or dark skin colors
Vertex or breech deliveries
Vacuum augmentation or forceps assisted deliveries
Replaceable vulval inserts and highly distensible cervices
Removable abdominal and opaque covers
Audible maternal heart sounds from 0 to 200 bpm
Audible newborn heart sounds from 0 to 220 bpm
Audible newborn cries, grunting, and stridor
Fetus with elevating pillow for practicing Leopold maneuvers
Rectum allows medication
Birthing Baby Having:
Two placentas with removable fragments
Four umbilical cords
Two connectors
Two umbilical clips
The birthing baby’s skull has fontanelles
Audible heart rate from 0 to 220 bpm
Soft face skin fits over the baby's head for vacuum/forceps delivery
Newborn Baby Having:
Umbilical pulse operated by squeeze bulb
Head cap to minimize hypothermia
Umbilical catheterization
Other Features
Postpartum hemorrhage 1.25 liters of fluid
Control postpartum hemorrhage by massaging uterus
Bladder catheterization with variable urinary flow