Dedicated processing and review stations have long been integral to nuclear medicine and they come with certain challenges. Fixed workstations are restrictive. You need better access and availability from different locations inside and outside the hospital. Additionally, individual purchases across your workstations made over time could result in variabilities that raise costs and slow down your productivity.
With XelerisTM V, GE Healthcare’s new virtual processing and review solution for nuclear medicine, we have removed the restraints of a dedicated processing and review station. Together with Smart Subscription and advanced AI applications powered by EdisonTM, we are transforming the way nuclear medicine works. Xeleris V is mobile, scalable, accessible, intelligent and always up to date. You can upgrade by purchasing Xeleris V outright or by acquiring it with Smart Subscription, our cutting-edge subscription service that keeps your systems synchronized to each other and to the latest software.
The base collection of applications installed on Xeleris V provide the essential processing and review capabilities for nuclear medicine. We also offer additional application packages based on common imaging categories so you can easily pick the packages that meet your healthcare system’s needs. And with Smart Subscription, these application packages will evolve with our regular application rollout schedule.
Xeleris V Base Package Applications
Evolution for Bone SPECT, Planar Bone, Cardiac & Tool Kit
Volumetrix MI with CT/MR Image Reconstruction & External or Single CTAC
Myovation, First Pass, EF Analysis, Peak Filling Rate & L-R Shunt