Agarose- Molecular Biology Grade (DNase/RNase free) are designed to provide a cleaner, safer, no-mess environment. Simply add powders to electrophoresis buffers, heat the solution, and then prepare your gel.
Ideal for separating nucleic acids of a wide range of sizes
Storage Conditions: Cool, dry place
Gel Strength(1%) : not less than 1200 g/cm²
Gel Temperature : 34.5 ~ 37.5°C
Electroendosmosis : 0.09 ~ 0.13 -mr
Sulfate Content: not less than 0.15%
Moisture Content : 0.0 ~ 10.0%
Source: USA
Size: 100 g
Store at ambient temperature
Fast and convenient
Greater gel-to-gel consistency
Gels as low as 0.5% are feasible
Safer and cleaner to use than conventional agarose powder