Born from the combination of a set of radiological components, OPERA Swing is the revolutionary remote-controlled system suited for standard radiological examinations and special clinical applications.
The extremely versatile system, the advanced control console functions and the dose level reduction make OPERA Swing a good ally also in emergency situations.
Total Accessibility
The cantilevered adjustable height table top reaches a minimum floor distance, simplifying procedures also for elderly or patients with limited mobility. The 13 degrees of freedom and the great number of pre-set positions further enhance the system’s total accessibility.
OPERA Swing creates a complete exam room in a single highly versatile system, also suited for emergencies and any situation where a stretcher is required.
Unconstrained Detector
The Unconstrained Detector assembly removes the need for a wall-stand and external cassettes, allowing for an easy and efficient execution of a variety of exams in direct contact with the detector. Thanks to this feature OPERA Swing is a key alley in emergency situations and applications involving lateral and oblique projections.
Autofocusing Grid™
The patented automatic focalization of the grid allows for the execution of exams with a wide range of focal distances removing the need for a manual replacement of the grid.
This technological solution guarantees the execution of radiographic acquisitions with optimal focalization and dose control, avoiding the production of images with lower resolution.