For rapid detection of chromosomal aneuploidies for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X and Y using QF-PCR technology.
AneuSure Kit consists of 26 markers. The STR markers are distributed across autosomal chromosomes 21, 18 and 13 and sex chromosomes X & Y. The segmental duplication 7X marker is included in the kit for the differentiation of X chromosome monosomy from homozygosity (i.e. it quantifies the chromosome X for more accurate detection of Turner syndrome. AneuSure performance has been validated with extensive testing using Applied BiosystemsTM 3500/3500xL and 3130/3130xl platforms for detection and analysis on more than 1000 samples.
Easy to use mix
Multiplex analysis of 26 loci in one reaction
~ 90 min thermal clycling time
Accurate detection of Turner syndrome
Applicable to a variety of DNA sources – amniotic fluid (AF), chorionic villus (CVS), fetal tissue, etc.