Hip and knee surgery retractors are designed to hold back tissues or organs during hip and knee surgeries. Have a look at the following variations:
•Posterior Inferior Retractor
•Self-Retaining Knee Retractors
•Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery Retractors
•S Total Knee Retractor
•Glenoid Neck Retractors
GerMedUSA Inc. offers a broad range of hip and knee surgical instruments. The low profile design of these instruments and streamlines setup saves space and time.
The Wide Deltoid Retractor is ideal for dealing with the deltoid during hip and knee surgical procedures. The tool features a contoured end for easy retraction of the entire deltoid during the deltopectoral approach.
GerMedUSA offers ideally designed Wide Deltoid retractors that work in a synchronized manner to manage proximal humerus fractures. We manufacture retractors with German stainless steel. The following features make our tools outstanding:
•High tensile strength
•Non-slippery handle