Chem 100 is a compact and easy to use semi automatic biochemistry analyzer offered by Gesan Production. The operating centre incorporates a superior, temperature-controlled optical design with the measurement taking place in a specialized flow cell. The unit is easy to operate and its maintenance requirements are low. Most technicians can learn to use this software-driven device within an hour. The maintenance instructions are incorporated into the system software. The new Chem 100 is a touch screen device.
Technical Specifications
Light source: 6V 10W long-life halogen lamp
Filters: 340, 405, 492, 510, 546, 578, 620 nm; ±2 nm pass-band
flow cell temperature: 25, 30, 37° C, peltier elements
Precision: ± 0.1° C
Measuring range: 0-3.000 O.D.
Photometric linearity: 0.2A~0.5±5%, 0.5A~1.0A±4%, 1.0A~1.5A±2%
Photometric accuracy: ±1% from 0 to 3.000 O.D.
32 μl quartz glass flow trough cell
400 μl microcuvette
1000 μl microcuvette