lnfluenza A/B Fast Test Kit
(lmmunofluorescence Assay)
Intended Use
lnfluenza A/B Fast Test Kit (lmmunofluorescence Assay) is intended for the qualitative detection of nucleocapsid protein antigen from influenza A and influenza B in human nasal swab samples from individuals suspected of respiratory viral infection consistent with influenza A and influenza B by their healthcare provider. This test is intended for professional and laboratory use.
Test Item: lnfluenza A/B Antigen
Sample: Nasal Swab
Storage Condition: 4-30℃
Method: Immunofluorescence Assay
Test Time: 15 min
Shelf Life: 24 months
Applicable Device
Getein 1100 Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer
Getein 1160 Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer
Getein 1180 Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer