Planning, management and optimization of your surgical department
Torin is the OR management solution that is using artificial intelligence to improve long-term and daily scheduling. Torin supports real-time progress updates and performance analysis. All to provide overview, structure workflows and utilize resources more efficiently, enabling the best possible care for patients.
Optimized OR utilization using AI and enhance coordination
AI-based OR scheduling
Waiting list management
Real time surgery progress updates
Surgery documentation and BI reports
Seamless solution integration
Digital door sign
Choose the OR Management solution that is tailored to your needs
AI and Business Intelligence for smart OR Management
Torin Optimization promotes advanced surgical planning, efficient day-to-day management, and improved resource utilization.
Better prediction of surgery times
with AI
Manage surgical waiting lists
Unique data analytics for decision support
Improved department performance
Customized solution
On-time execution and complete documentation
Torin Progress supports surgical staff and managers in handling the increasing complexity in the surgical department.
On-time surgery schedule
Reschedule to accommodate deviations
Complete surgery documentation
Torin SmartView digital door sign
User-friendly OR scheduling and visual overviews
Torin Planning helps surgical departments optimize their long- and short-term surgery plan and increase the OR utilization.
Validated and conflict-free
surgery plan
Maximized use of resources
Consistent quality of care