Obsidian® Fused to Metal restorations are state-of-the-art PFMs for today’s clinician. They are over four times stronger and achieve two times more chip resistance than conventional feldspathic porcelains.
Over four times stronger and two times more chip resistant than Ceramco®3 PFM ceramic
Ideal for crowns & bridges anywhere in the arch, and restorations in the esthetic zone
Creates finer margins, provides exceptional esthetics and superior strength
The PFM Revitalized
Obsidian Fused to Metal restorations are state-of-the-art PFMs for today’s clinician. They are over four times stronger and achieve two times more chip resistance than conventional feldspathic porcelains. By pressing lithium silicate ceramic, rather than traditional porcelain, to metal the finished restorations achieve far greater strength than that of their predecessors. These natural-looking, chip-resistant restorations are ideal for areas where monolithic restorations are contraindicated, such as covering dark preps or endodontic posts when occlusal reduction or vertical dimension is limited.
The Dental Advisor
After a one-year recall, the Dental Advisor conducted a clinical performance on Obsidian Fused to Metal, evaluating areas such as esthetics, lack of sensitivity and resistance to fracture/chipping. This independent study reveals how Obsidian performed and provides important clinical findings on the material.
Biaxial Flexural Strength
Obsidian Fused to Metal is more than four times stronger than Ceramco3 PFM ceramic
Chipping Resistance
Obsidian Fused to Metal is over two times more chip-resistant than Ceramco3 PFM ceramic.