Nightguards and bite splints can alleviate pain and protect existing healthy dentition for your bruxing patients. The CLEARsplint® is a nightguard fabricated from a composite material and made to your prescribed bite plane.
Flexible and self-adjusting; superb accuracy offers the closest fit
Better fit and dimensional stability reduce postoperative chair time and adjustments
Composite formulation, a mixture of powder and liquid, can be press-packed or poured
Ramps and guide planes can be added to reposition the mandible
The Nightguard with Flex
Nightguards and bite splints can make a world of difference for your bruxing and grinding patients, alleviating pain and preventing further destruction of existing healthy dentition. The CLEARsplint is a nightguard fabricated from a modified composite material that is made to your prescribed bite plane.
This optically clear splint is nearly invisible when worn and amine-free to resist yellowing. When placed in warm water before inserting in the mouth, it will self-adjust for the closest fit and increased patient comfort. Because it does not contain the methyl methacrylate found in other acrylic splints, the possibility for allergic reactions is reduced. Chairside repairs can easily be made with cold-cure acrylics.
All Glidewell nightguards and bite splints are constructed to your occlusal plane specifications on the upper or lower arch. Wire reinforcement or ball clasps can also be added for extra strength or retention. All nightguards and bite splints come with a storage case to help maintain original shape for superior fit.