Triathlon Pro is the specific device from GLOBUS designed to improve the physical performance of athletes. Its numerous programmes are divided into areas corresponding to the triathlon disciplines that can be selected on the basis of the distance you cover.
Rechargeable battery power supply
The Triathlon Pro line of electro-stimulators is designed for the needs of those who practice various sports in a single device. Its specific programmes for swimming, cycling and running are the result of years of research and development by GLOBUS.
Triathlon Pro programmes are customisable and adaptable depending on the specific training and distance travelled. They are designed to ensure greater muscle strengthening, more endurance, more recovery speed, more aerobic endurance and faster post-activity recovery. In addition to this, they prevent the occurrence of inflammation, back and lower back pain, fatigue and other injuries.
Special features
Action Now
Operating time
Last 10
Favourites feature
Auto Stim
Stim Lock
2+2 mode
My Trainer
Syncro Stim
Work time
Rechargeable battery