Kineo Leg Pro is the perfect machine for those who want to focus on the lower body, both in functional recovery and performance improvement. Kineo allows you, for the first time, to work analytically on your eccentric strength with extraordinary results
Strong legs,top performance
01.Eccentric functional training of the ischiocrural muscles
Strength training while standing thanks to the Leg Curl
02.Quadriceps training
To achieve Leg Extension-like work
03.Knee rehabilitation
To customise your work protocol and speed up recovery
Wi-Fi connection
12'' touchscreen
Unlimited training and memory
2 USB connection sockets
High-quality Italian leather
CE certification
Training methods
Isotonic method with inertia
Isotonic method without inertia
Elastic method
Smart Viscous Method
Variable load method
Isometric method
Isokinetic method
Kineo Leg Press tests
Maximal concentric strength test
Maximal concentric force balance test
Power test
Maximal eccentric strength test
Maximal eccentric force balance test
Jump power test
Maximal isometric strength test
Maximal isometric force balance test
Maximal isokinetic force test
Maximal isokinetic force balance test
Concentric/eccentric isokinetic ratio test
Wi-Fi connection and remote control
2 15.6″ touchscreens
2 USB connection sockets
Built-in memory and automatic storage
High-quality Italian leather
Electric motor. Provides a variable and controlled torque
Leg Extension workstation
Leg Curl workstation
Leg Press kit
Squat kit
Wooden Squat platform