Pain free Simple
& Reasonable
We will never stop until you wear a full smile
The Power Aligner Program
Customized Mini Lingual Bracket(MLB) + Invisible Aligner by utilizing the strength and improving the weakness of bracket and any type of Invisible Aligner applicable.
Power Aligner provides a wider range of treatment solutions for patients and dentists with our program involving the use of 3D digital simulation to create a Mini Lingual Bracket that works in conjunction with any brand of Invisible Aligner.
Treat Patient more EFFECTIVELY
We provide a wide range of treatment solution for the patients and dentists by classifying various cases into “Any brands of Invisible Aligner with Mini Lingual Bracket which apply to 3D digital simulation program.
Easy to APPLY
The Power Aligner program enables all orthodontists including general dentists to treat patients with our MINI Lingual Bracket with exclusive ZIG (Indirect bonding system) that was developed through 3D digital technology.
Offer full satisfaction until treatment is 100% Completed.
The Power Aligner Program allows full counseling through the entire treatment process.
Why do you need Power Aligner (Mini Lingual Bracket)?
It shows more effective results through anterior tooth movement.
With its state of art technology, It minimizes pain during tooth movement.
Its application is easy for both specialized orthodontist and general dentists, which provides you with a simple, fast, and accurate option through our SMART Aligner Program.
Allow short treatment time that enables relatively less cost.