EEG, EOG and EMG can be measured with electrodes attached to the human body. The electrodes pick up the electrical activity of the underlying neurons. Different sensors are required to measure other signals from the body. Therefore, g.tec provides various sensors for physiological and physical signals.
All sensors provide analog output signals, and are designed to be connected directly to the amplifier inputs or to the analog inputs of the data acquisition system. For safety reasons, all sensors, adapter cables and interface boxes are equipped with DIN 1.5-mm touchproof safety connectors.
Ultra high-density EMG sensor
fNIRS sensor
Temperature Sensor
Blood pressure monitoring sensor
Snoring sensor
Respiration effort sensor
Respiration airflow sensor
Oxygen saturation sensor
Galvanic skin response sensor
Acceleration sensor
Limb movement sensor
Input connectors - DIN 1.5 mm touchproof safety connectors
Safety class - II