g.BSanalyze is an interactive environment for multimodal biosignal data processing and analysis in the fields of clinical research and life sciences. g.BSanalyze has been on the market for more than twenty years, and is used in more than 70 countries. It is the most comprehensive package available to analyze non-invasive and invasive brain-, heart- and muscle-functions and dysfunctions. The package won several international awards. The new version includes many new functions such as topographic plots, CCA, new filters, an importer for cortiQ files, updates for Result2D, Cortio-Cortical Evoked Potentials, an ECoG toolbox, a TMS toolbox and more!
The package comes with many sample biosignal data-sets, including P300, SSVEP, motor imagery, CSP BCIs, Tilt-Table, EPs, multi-unit activity, CFM, CCEP, and ERD/ERS.
Interactive and intuitive graphical user interface for EEG, ECoG, EOG, EMG, ECG, spikes, and physical data analyses and documentation under MATLAB as well as a stand-alone version
Extensive tools for data processing in time, space, and frequency domains
Powerful 2D and 3D visualization tools to rapidly generate publication ready figures
Enhancement of power with g.tec's specialized EEG, ECoG, Cerebral Function Analysis, Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potentials, ECG, Spike, Classification and High-Resolution EEG toolboxes
Flexibility to integrate other MATLAB toolboxes, as well as customers' specific algorithms
Analyse data from g.Recorder, g.HIsys, MATLAB and C API and many other third-party recording devices
The only package that supports all BCI principles such as P300, motor imagery, SSVEP/SSSEP, slow cortical potentials, cVEP