The collection of sputum for the detection of respiratory tract infections is convenient and reliable. Recent publications confirmed that samples collected from lower respiratory tract
have a higher positive detection rate of COVID-19 infection than other methods including throat swabs.
Sputum collection can be done by self-sampling, which makes it an extremely attractive way of collecting samples for the large scale of screening tests such as COVID-19 and avoiding false negative detection due to the inappropriate collection procedures.
However, sputum usually is very thick and sticky. One of the challenges of sputum sampling is how to effectively preserve pathogens like COVID-19, a single strained RNA virus, and/or
pathogen nucleic acid from degradation during sample collection and transportation.
Type A. Contains preservatives that inactivate pathogens such as viruses and protects RNA/DNA samples from degradation; the main components include Tris buffer, nondenatured detergents, DTT and proprietary cocktails that prevent bacterial and fungal growth, as well as inactivate RNase/DNase activities. No guanidinium and other compounds that may interfere with nucleic acid extraction or PCR amplification is included. Preserved samples are stable in the room temperatures for 5 days.
Easy handling: including
50-mL centrifuging collecti- on tube with preservatives and disposal funnel.
Extensive sample testing a with excellent nucleic acid extraction and PCR ampilifi- cation.