The collection of sputum for the detection of respiratory tract infections is convenient and reliable. Recent publications confirmed that samples collected from lower respiratory tract
have a higher positive detection rate of COVID-19 infection than other methods including throat swabs.
Sputum collection can be done by self-sampling, which makes it an extremely attractive way of collecting samples for the large scale of screening tests such as COVID-19 and avoiding false negative detection due to the inappropriate collection procedures.
Easy handling: including
50-mL centrifuging collecti- on tube with preservatives and disposal funnel.
However, sputum usually is very thick and sticky. One of the challenges of sputum sampling is how to effectively preserve pathogens like COVID-19, a single strained RNA virus, and/or
pathogen nucleic acid from degradation during sample collection and transportation.
Type B. Preserve pathogens intact such as COVID-19. The main components include HBSS, HEPES, DTT, and the proprietary cocktails that stabilize the pathogen membranes, inactivate RNase/DNase activities and bacterial and fungal growth. Preserved samples can be stored up to two weeks.
Extensive sample testing with excellent nucleic acid extraction and PCR ampilifi-cation.