This kit is an in vitro diagnostic test used for the detection of a new type of coronavirus (COVID19). Samples can be obtained from throat swab or sputum.
Reaction Mix is basic components of this detection kit. The reacton mixes in this kit contain
specific primers and probesfor N gene andORF1ab of COVID-19, and RNase P gene assample
internal control (IC), as well as all components needed for efficient RT-PCR reactions
Positive control isthe mix ofsingle-stranded RNA ofspecific regions of novel coronavirus,
required to be dispensed into 200 μL PCR tubes with 5μL per reaction according to the
required number of reactions. Please avoid repeated frozen-thawed cycles to avoid the
degradation of RNA templates
Components from different batch number kits is not recommended to be used
1. All reagents should be stored at -20℃ unyil the expiration date listed on the outer kit box.
2. Protect Reaction Mix from light during storage.
3. Repeated freezing and thawing (more than five times) of reagents should be avoided.
4. Expiration date: 9 months
1. Biological cabinet.
2. Appropriate real time PCR instrument: ABI7500 、 ABI QuantStudio 6/7/12K; Roche
Lightcycler®480/1536/Nano; Agilent Mx3000P/3005P; Qiagen Rotor-Gene 6000 / Q; Bio-Rad
CFX384/CFX96, Bio-Rad Touch / iQ5; Cepheid Smartcycler/Smartcycler II; Eppendorf
3. Appropriate nucleic acid extraction system or kit
4. Desktop centrifuge (suitable for 96-well plate or 8-strip tube).
5. Centrifuge with a rotor for 0.2ml reaction tubes or plate.
6. Vortex mixer.
7. Adjustable pipettes (with maximum capacity of 2μL, 10μL, 50μL, 100μL, and 200μL, respectively).