The solution to carefully manage and monitor the rate of infusion even with several patients undergoing different kinds of IV infusions.
Voice Control
Intelligent communication, with 16 commands. Fast response, fast measure.
General Ward
Continuous monitoring of physiological parameters in the General Ward using P15
From outdoor to the emergency department P1 with P15 can provide seamless and continuous care to the patient
Multi-lead analysis. Auto lead detection,Multi-parameter joint analysis
Rainbow Set
Immediate, accurate, non-invasive, continuous readings for numeric measurements.
Provide an advanced method of generating respiratory readings
Thorough NIBP list.
Store both Graphie and Dynamic data for analysis.
Sepsis View
Score and guide the treatment of sepsis based on the latest SSC guideline
CPR assistant not only guides but also records and exports the process and allows for a one-click record of administered medications.