Electromagnetic fields are generated by current flowing through one or more copper or aluminum coils (called solenoids) or radiating circuits. The intensity and frequency of the emitted magnetic field are then adjusted. This repairs damaged tissue cells in the body and promotes the discharge of waste substances, improving the overall functioning of the body.
The PMST LOOP machine is based on this principle. The energy of the combined configuration can reach 24,700 gauss. The appearance design is optimized according to the actual usage. The trolley-style suitcase design, large wheels that can adapt to different road conditions, and anti-collision materials make the machine popular among the public.
What Can PMST LOOP Treat?
Lumbago-Muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured disc, arthritis, osteoporosis
Lumbago: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor or miss work. It is a leading cause of disability worldwide.
Fortunately, steps can be taken to prevent or relieve most episodes of back pain, especially in people under 60. If preventive measures don't work, simple home treatments and proper use of the body can usually provide relief or even cure within a few weeks. In rare cases, back pain requires surgery.
So why does this pain occur?
Age, lack of exercise, overweight, illness, improper lifting, mental state, smoking
The first is bad daily habits, such as crossing your legs, maintaining a bad sleeping posture for a long time, doing some exercises that damage your back, etc.