What is the bestwavelength for lasertherapy?
810nm wavelength is strongly absorbed bythe cytochromes contained in the mitochondriaof each cell.This activates the respiratory chainand initiates processes that increase ATPproduction.lt can penetrate 5cm deep into body
905nm wavelength is less absorbed bywater (and therefore oedema often characteristicof acute infammation), blood and melanin.
980nm wavelength is strongly absorbed bywater, which causes a rise in tissue temperature,Thanks to this, an increase in metabolism,anincrease in the collagen fber stretch.The 980nmwavelength,due to its strong absorption bywater, penetrates much shallower.
1064nm wavelength penetration depth upto 10 cm into the tissue extremely effective inhealing acceleration and pain management.Designed for the use in sports medicine, orthope-dics, and rehabilitation.
What is High Intensity Laser ?
High Intensity Laser Therapy (HlLT) is now widely recognized as asafe, pain-free, and non-invasive medical procedure to acceleratethe treatment and rehabilitation of various acute and chronic painconditions. HlLT devices are used in hundreds of medical facilitiesthrough the world.
HlLT offers patients a painless, non-surgical and side effect freetreatment for conditions previously refractive to traditionalmedical care.The mechanism of action for laser therapy comesfrom its ability, at the cellular level, to"bio-stimulate" tissue growthand repair.