Capacitive Electric Transfer (CET) is a method that allows the RF electrical current to be transferred "by capacity"(principle of the electrical capacitor) to the patient's body via a moveable external application electrode.
This is covered with an insulating film which acts as dielectric and the body acts as a second plate of the capacitor.
A return plate closes the circuit. The electric circulation through the resistive medium formed by the live tissues increases its temperature.
CET RF Aplications
* Fat reducing & Body reshaping
* Facial flaccid areas tightening and lifting
* Wrinkle Removing
* Collagen level Increasing
* Skin luminosity Enhancing
* Cellulite treatment and skin partial reconstruction
CET RF Features
Feature 1:
Efficient, experiments show that RF can effectively stimulate collagen wrinkle restructuring, firm skin, reduce wrinkles, higher satisfaction after treatment.
Features 2:
Security, RF lifting system to protect the epidermis, that is safe and efficient achieve
satisfactory results, higher than other non-invasive treatment safety. In addition, there
is no recovery, the patient can resume their daily routines immediately after the
treatment, eliminating the need for additional precautions necessary after treatment
* Muscle relaxation,edema reduction,pain relief