What is 10D Laser?
10D Laser falls under the category of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), a type of photomedicine that uses light to treat health and cosmetic issues, including fat reduction.
10D Laser emits a low-level frequency that pokes small holes in the surface of the fat cells. This essentially melts the structure of the cell so that fatty acids leak through the cell walls and are then carried through the body's lymphatic system where they are flushed out. This shrinks the fat cells, resulting in loss of measurements and weight loss.
10D Laser Benefits:
Fat loss with circumferential reduction – average of 6 inches from abdominal circumference from course of 8 treatments (based on a grade 1 quality study) this depends on the individual body fat ratio
Faster metabolism
more energy
Improved functioning of fat cells
Improved insulin sensitivity
Reducing risk of developing metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes
Body Sculpting