est carried out during 10 minutes The practitioner works on the patient's forearm for 10 minutes. The Tecar resistive bracelet was placed halfway up the therapist's forearm. The temperature was taken every minute. At the beginning of our test, both the therapist's forearm and the patient's forearm are at an initial temperature of about 31°C. However, we notice that the temperature rises more quickly on the patient's forearm and exceeds 40 °C after 5 minutes. On the other hand, the therapist's forearm is maintained at a temperature of 38°C, which she never exceeds. Moreover, after washing the hands with cold water, this temperature decreases instantly by more than 10 degrees to go down to 26°C. This proves that the use of the tecar bracelet is safe for the practitioner, who can treat a new patient immediately afterwards.
For which pathologies do we recommend tecar therapy?
As mentioned above, diathermy is an effective technique for treating all types of pathology, acute, subacute and chronic.
Among the main ones:
– tendinitis, – tendinosis, – joint pain, – muscle contracture, – muscle strain, – bruise, – epicondylitis, – Golfer’s elbow, – neck pain, – low back pain, – lumbosciatica, – slipped disc, – whiplash, – gonarthrosis, – chondropathy, – distortion, – ACL, LCL, MCL injuries.
Tecar BRACELETS Totally non-invasive, this double RET bracelet technic offers you all the freedom of action you need.
Experience this exceptional touch that will allow you to fully feel the effects of the energy on your patient.
Bracelets can be set up on your patients or directly on your arms. On your arms: Your hands wearing the bracelets replace the mobile electrode.