a non-invasive low-level laser that emits 10 532 nm green lasers onto the skin to treat hypertrophic adipocytes.
the treatment emulsifies the adipose tissue and releases excess fatty materials into the interstitial space. from there, fat cells are passed through the body during its natural course of detoxification through the lymphatic system.
Advantage & Function
Luxmaster Laser is not just a laser, it is a game-changer. Neither is it just a fat-reducing or body contouring laser. Luxmaster Laser is a well-being device, delivering benefits to mental and physical health, well beyond the immediate area of treatment. Here, are just a few facts about this incredible laser system: Cold (non-thermal) low level laser – meaning NO heat like the lasers most people are familiar with Deep penetration – case studies have shown that even visceral (organ) fat can be reduced! Further research is underway, but this presents an exciting expansion on the medical benefits of Luxmaster Laser NO DOWNTIME NO PAIN NO BRUISING NO FREEZING NO SIDE-EFFECTS NO RISKS OR COMPLICATIONS Potential Benefits: Fat loss with circumferential reduction – average of 6 inches from abdominal circumference from course of 8 treatments (based on a grade 1 quality study) this depends on the individual body fat ratio Faster metabolism More energy Improved functioning of fat cells Improved insulin sensitivity Reducing risk of developing metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes