PMST(Physio magneto super transduction) commonly known as PEMF. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) technology can be used to provide overall health and wellbeing. PEMF devices work down to the cellular level to promote optimal health and wellness in a drug free way without any side effects. Cells produce energy called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) to power the cell and this energy is vital for the function of the body, building up and breaking down molecules, as well as transporting substances across cell membranes.
Blood passes on nutrients and oxygen, while absorbing toxins or enzymes from all the major organs by use of capillaries. Blood cells which power down lose their charge and stick to one another causing the Rouleaux effect. If the Rouleaux effect is present in the blood these organs cannot be properly serviced by the blood. PEMF positively charges blood cells so that they repel one another, (like magnetic charges repel), making it impossible for them to stick together. This maximizes the ability of the blood cells to perform their tasks in the capillaries of all the major organs. The work of the lungs, liver, intestines and kidneys is optimized when proper and full blood flow can take place. When the blood is oxygenated, so are the organs and tissues, reducing disease which can produce imbalances, sickness and eventually cancers.
What is Double Frequency?
The basic principle behind double frequency magnetic therapy is that electromagnetic fields can interact with the body's natural electromagnetic processes and potentially promote healing and reduce pain.