Cryotherapy refers to the process of stimulating the body’s natural healing and recovery systems by applying extremely cold temperatures to particular body parts (local cryotherapy) or the entire body (whole body cryotherapy). Eliminating pain, reducing inflammation, and improving the blood flow are just a few of the many positive benefits it can cause.
To use extremely cold temperatures in order to induce healing processes is a technique as old as medicine itself. In more recent times, cryotherapy has been used to stimulate the body’s own natural ability to recover, repair, and rebuild. Using extremly cold temperatures over a short time has an effect unlike any other cold therapy or treatment.
Cryotherapy is good for anyone who wishes to supercharge their body’s natural ability to heal, repair, and recover – like chiropractic patients, professional and amateur athletes, weekend warriors, and anyone who wishes to improve their quality of life and to increase their health
1. Reduces migraine symptoms
Cryotherapy can help treat migraines by cooling and numbing nerves in the neck area. One study foundTrusted Source that applying a neck wrap containing two frozen ice packs to the carotid arteries in the neck significantly reduced migraine pain in those tested.It’s thought that this works by cooling the blood passing through intracranial vessels. The carotid arteries are close to the skin’s surface and accessible.
2. Numbs nerve irritation
Many athletes have been using cryotherapy to treat injuries for years, and one of the reasons why is that it can numb pain. The cold can actually numb an irritated nerve.