EMTT therapy transmits high energy magnetic pulses to targeted tissues at extremely high oscillating frequencies ranging from 100–300 kHz. EMTT. Waves can penetrate deep tissues up to 18 cm beneath the skin’s surface, to target difficult-to-reach tendons, muscles, bones and nervous tissues. When delivered with the right intensity and frequency, EMTT synchronizes with the body’s magnetic fields, causing a disturbance that triggers a regenerative response.
Physio magneto and Near infrared spectroscopy can be treated separately or combined together. The combination of the two can improve the treatment effect and shorten the healing and repair time. Magnetic field pulses combined with near-infrared spectroscopy are safe and side-effect-free treatments. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) used to enhance healing and reduce pain. When ESWT is used together with EMTT, the two technologies form a dynamic duo that produces results that no other therapy comes close to.
Each of these therapeutic technologies works by distinct mechanisms. EMTT emits magnetic fields, delivering them to the treatment region to stimulate cell regeneration in damaged tissues and reduce inflammation in surrounding tissues. ESWT uses radial, focused and defocused high-energy sound waves to zero in on local tissues.
Magento + Infrared+ Shockwave work at the same or in seperatly
Work together for 2 patients and Work different body parts: save working time of patients and physiotherapist, more effective to get result for patients.