Early start of therapy with the h/p/cosmos locomotion treadmill system with body weight support. h/p/cosmos has equipped the system with an ergonomic wheelchair ramp. Furthermore the handrails contain telescopic extensions which can be pulled out 55 cm (21.65“) to give additional support to the patients. They can assist and hold the handrails in many cases even during entering the treadmill on the ramp. And most patients are happy to help if we give them such tools.
Safer start to the therapy on the treadmill – also from a wheelchair
Those who want to learn to walk ... must walk! Therefore, functional training on a treadmill is a key component of a neurological treatment facility. At the same time locomotion in practice is not always easy to implement. It starts when a wheelchair patient begins their therapy.
Getting onto the treadmill deck can be a challenge already. Therefore h/p/cosmos has equipped the system with an ergonomic wheelchair ramp. Furthermore the handrails contain telescopic extensions which can be pulled out 55 cm (21.65“) to give additional support to the patients. They can assist and hold the handrails in many cases even during entering the treadmill on the ramp. And most patients are happy to help if we give them such tools.
Then they can stand up directly out of the wheelchair with support from the h/p/cosmos airwalk® vest and un-weighting system holding on to the individually adjusted handrails. Thus, the therapy can start successfully without much effort.
Early start of therapy with body weight support
In neurological rehabilitation it is important for the patient to start exercising as early as possible.