Persona® Technology, a proprietary integrated plasma collection solution built upon the NexSys PCS® platform, is the first and only donor-tailored solution clinically shown to yield +9% to 12%1 more plasma per donation on average to maximize both cost-efficient output and patient impact.
Donor-Tailored Collections
A transformational approach to plasma collection, NexSys PCS® with Persona® Technology advances beyond the 1992 simplified nomogram2 to individually tailor donation targets to each donor based on their total available plasma.
Higher Plasma Yields
Collect a consistent percentage of plasma volume based on height, weight, BMI, and hematocrit across all donors, up to a maximum of 1,000 mL, resulting in an average increase in plasma volume collected per donation.†
Immediate & Long Term Value
Immediately increases center collection volume output and patient impact, providing a new option to meet growing demand for plasma. Fully supported implementation and overnight conversion minimize disruption to center operations.
The Persona® Technology Nomogram Story
The simple nomogram in place since 1992 was based solely on an individual’s weight.2 It allowed three plasma collection volumes according to whether the donor fell into one of three different weight ranges.
The Persona® Technology Nomogram is a novel, personalized percent plasma nomogram based on body mass index and hematocrit, enabling a more tailored collection target using individual donor characteristics.