For fast and precise cast transfer for the currently used articulator
Easy handling as the joints can be fixed by hand through a knurled-head screw
Optimal adjustment to the Frankfurter horizontal plane by a new type of horizontally and vertically adjustable Glabella support
The transfer part with bite fork impression can immediatly be transferred into our articulators (without facebow)
Also suitable for articulators of other manufacturers
An exact three-dimensional model assignment can be achieved in the articulator
Set in special aluminum carry case
Set: Scissor bow and nose support (a.), Transfer set and bite fork (b.), Combitec Adapter set (c.)
Bite Fork separately – see BALANCE FACEBOW
Flexible Bite Fork Art.N0. 203 333
With movable bite prongs
For small and large jaws
The Transfer Set for COMBITEC A see BALANCE No. 203 714