Hamilton's LabElite DeCapper provides automated capping and decapping of sample tubes. With built-in security that prevents cross-threading, this automated solution helps maintain your sample integrity during capping. The increased flexibility allows for decapping tubes from a variety of tube rack formats..
Features of the Hamilton Tube DeCapper
Easily swap decapping heads to decap tubes in various tube rack formats (24, 48, or 96) on a single device
Decap only tubes needed—all rows, selected rows or columns, or partial racks
Process tubes in portrait or landscape format within a single decapper device
Hamilton decapper can be operated as a standalone device or integrated with a Microlab VANTAGE Liquid Handling System or third-party robotic arm
Comes with a built-in Secure Mode ensures an optimal seal during capping to eliminate cross threading
Tube decapper includes optional Row Loop Mode, where only one row is processed at a time to minimize the duration a tube is open
Benefits of the 6-Channel Head
The 6-channel head enables the use of 24-format tubes in addition to 48- and 96-format tubes
Decaps a wide variety of internally or externally threaded tubes and vials
Allows laboratories to decap tube volumes and types that are most appropriate for their specific needs
What is a decapper?
A decapper is a tool used in laboratories to easily remove the caps from tubes and vials. Many laboratories opt for an automated decapper to increase efficiency and reduce injuries caused by decapping manually. Hamilton's automated DeCapper allows for individual tube selection to help minimize contamination from decapping unnecessary tubes.