AMY-M2-W1 UVC Disinfection Robot aims to prevent and reduce the spread of infectious
diseases, viruses, bacteria, and other types of harmful organic micro-organisms in the envi-
ronment by breaking down their DNA-structure using UVC radiation. The robot is safe, reli-
able and eliminates human error. Furthermore, it is user friendly and is designed to perform
disinfection task autonomousiy as a daily routine without any human opération once the
tasks are pre-defined and set.
Operation time. route and dosage of the disinfectant can be set by users according to application scé-narios.
Robot is able to perform 360-degree full-coverage surface sterilization. The high-intensity ultraviolet rays kill up to 99.99% of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
Air-circulation mode:
The circulation system is equipped by a high-power ultraviolet radiation tube set. Microorganisms such
as fungus, bacteria, and viruses in the air can be effectively eliminated by the intensive UV rays when
flowing through the airway of the circulation system. In the meantime, PM2.5, formaldehyde, TOVC and
other harmful substances are filtered through HEPA.
UV radiation mode:
UV radiation mode can only be activated when no human activities are sensed. The high-power ultravio-let radiation tube set emits intensive UV rays to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms which effectively prevents cross infection in high-risk areas.
Autonomous Charging
low battery alert triggers autonomous charging, AMY-M2-W1 provides multi-functional services 24/7.
Unmanned Operation
AMY-M2-W1 is able to perform multi-tasks autonomously by a pre-planned rout without su-
pervision or human opération.